I pottered out into my garden just now to undertake today’s assignment, Natural World & Leading Lines, with my Canon SLR. My garden isn’t big, but it is lush with a wilderness of tropical leaves and where ants, bugs and a large mottled garden lizard live. While looking for shapes and lines, I thought it would be fun to explore how they would appear to my little menagerie of wild creatures. I put the camera really low on the ground to try to catch a small creature’s perspective, and snapped randomly.

Welcome to the lizard-eye view of my garden…

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The main boulevard from the back garden to the front. Watch out for people. It’s their main route too.


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Mental note to self — a good place to shelter from the rain.


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Dainty angel hair fern & rock garden near the deck – a nice and romantic spot.


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Good place to forage for random seeds and snacks.


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The best spot for lazing, shaded from the scorching afternoon heat.


13 thoughts on “Photo 101 – Natural World & Leading Lines

  1. Your lizard eye view caught some beautiful lines in addition to a green treat to a winter starved eye!


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