
I’ve taken on Photo101 and already one day late on my first assignment!

The post is about Home, with one image that encapsulates what the word means to me. Here it is. It is literal — a photo of my garden (my favourite part of the house) when it poured one Sunday morning. I love watching the rain and how every fat raindrop splashes back on itself when it hits the ground. I love how the unrelenting deluge covers every leaf with a clean, glossy sheen. I love watching the water run off the leaves, tree trunks, and over the edges in a steady dainty stream, sometimes glistening when it catches the light. And I love the sound, smell and feel of the rain in the tropics. I am a rainy day person, and weather like this is perfect for staying home and enjoying the nest I made for myself and the family.

27 thoughts on “Photo101 – Home

  1. Good post! It’s nice to hear from someone who doesn’t get all down and depressed on a rainy day. I think cloudy and rainy days have their own special beauty.


  2. This reminds me of the animated movie ‘Fern Gully’! Now that brings back some childhood memories.. A very beautiful shot!


  3. I think rain is perfect introvert weather! I love your photo and look forward to seeing more posts from you {I’ve followed your blog}. I hope you enjoy the course as much as I am! 🙂


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